This week in chapel, Dr. Kenneth Reid preached from Romans 8:12-17 regarding what it means to be adopted into Christ’s family. Adoption into Christ’s family expresses the blessing of salvation, and we are adopted into a Trinitarian relationship. John 1:12 expresses that all who received Christ and believed in His name have been given the right to become children of God, and the Spirit is the very sign of this adoption.

It is by the Holy Spirit that we cry out “Abba Father.” Dr. Reid poses the questions, “Can we experience this love of God as sinful creatures? Can we enter into the love?” He emphasizes that we in our human nature do not even want to enter the love because we want to experience life and love on our own conditions. Dr. Reid stresses that one of the most tragic consequences of our own sin is that it tends to block this fellowship with our triune God. Yet through the work of Jesus Christ on the cross, we are no longer guilty and have the freedom to enter into this great relationship with our Father. Listen to the whole sermon below.


Dr. Kenneth Reid, assistant professor of systematic and historical theology at Grand Rapids Theological Seminary, earned a Doctorate of Philosophy in Systematic Theology from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. His research interests include atonement theology, the Trinity, pneumatology, hermeneutics and biblical justice and racial reconciliation.

Outside the classroom, Dr. Reid enjoys keeping his chess game sharp, reading theology and history, watching documentaries and cheering for the Georgia Bulldogs and all Atlanta-based teams (i.e., Falcons, Hawks and Braves).