This week, Dr. Todd Billings began his message with Psalm 102:1-11, 23-27. He reminded us that we do not need to “get our emotions in order” before we come to church. All of our emotions are brought to God in the Psalms, but when the Psalms complain and protest against God they do so in a specific way. Psalm 102 protests against God hiding His face.

“How could it be faithful to let our anger and grief lead to this accusation of God? … Prayers of lament in the midst of hope for God’s promises are Spirit-given paths for bearing witness to Christ in this world, bearing witness to the King who shows that suffering and death will not have the final word.”


J. Todd Billings (Th.D., Harvard University Divinity School) is Gordon H. Girod Research Professor of Reformed Theology at Western Theological Seminary in Holland, Michigan. He is the author of several books, including “Union with Christ,” winner of a Christianity Today Book Award, and “Calvin, Participation, and the Gift,” winner of a 2009 John Templeton Award for Theological Promise. His most recent book is “Rejoicing in Lament: Wrestling with Incurable Cancer and Life in Christ.”