The film and video production program reflects our commitment to developing students’ knowledge, skills and attitudes in five distinct yet interconnected areas.
Specialized Knowledge
Students will exhibit technical intelligence.
- Operate video cameras (e.g., exposure, composition, movement).
- Create audio (e.g., capturing, syncing, mixing).
- Edit video.
- Demonstrate understanding of aesthetics related to shooting and editing.
- Write scripts (correct formats and mechanics).
Students will exhibit industry intelligence.
- Function in roles (e.g., demonstrate film set etiquette, procedures and protocols).
- Demonstrate understanding of corporate applications (e.g., working with a client).
- Create and explain budgets for film/video projects.
- Explain legal terminology and practices that make the film and media industries work.
Applied Knowledge and Collaborative Learning
Students will exhibit strategic intelligence.
- Create films that portray redemptive, transformative stories.
- Troubleshoot and solve problems on set.
- Analyze media messages.
- Demonstrate creativity.
Students will exhibit emotional intelligence.
- Exercise teamwork.
- Utilize conflict resolution.
- Exude positivity under pressure.
- Demonstrate integrity in work ethic.
- Show servant leadership.
Intellectual Skills
Students will demonstrate your ability to integrate both traditional and non-traditional cognitive skills, including analytical inquiry, information literacy, quantitative fluency and communicative fluency.
Civic and Global Learning
Students will demonstrate intercultural competence in addressing civic, social, environmental and economic issues.
Biblical Worldview Integration
Students will articulate a Christ-centered worldview and its personal, professional and communal embodiment through Christian virtues.